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About company

About company

Sinoasia B&R is an insurance company providing all types of insurance in Central Asia.

We guarantee the protection of the interests of our clients and offer 24/7 insurance support. Our team has many years of experience and invaluable knowledge of the local service market.

Rating of JSC "Insurance company "Sinoasia B&R" is affirmed at "BB"; outlook - "Stable"


Part of the Sinoasia Alliance Group, Hong Kong (since 2017).
Strategic partnership with Jiang Tai International Insurance Brokers, China.
Member of the Union of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan.
Member of the international organization of health plans (English speaking countries).
Strategic partnership with CROSSBORDER HEALTH PARTNERS (UK).

Participation in pools:

  1. Agreement on the general conditions for the organization of co-insurance (joint activities) with JSC "IC "Basel", JSC "IC "Kazakhmys", JSC "IC "Victoria", JSC " IC" Halyk", JSC "IC "NSK"  No. 527 dated 01/20/2021
  2. Co-insurance agreement with Ping An Health Insurance Company Beijing Branch dated 12/14/2018
  3. Co-insurance agreement (on joint activities) with Kazakhmys IC JSC, Freedom Insurance IC JSC, Basel IC JSC No. 21-161 dated 12/21/2021.
  4. Agreement on joint activities (on the insurance pool) with JSC "Kazakhmys IC" No.23-2-010-SP dated 03/13/2023.
Contact us
Our operators will contact you and answer your questions
  • Nur-Sultan
  • Almaty
  • Karaganda
  • Pavlodar
  • Taraz
  • Shymkent
  • Atyrau
  • Aktau